What is backgroundtaskhost.exe from Microsoft? Backgroundtaskhost.exe is part of Background Task Host. Find out what backgroundtaskhost.exe is doing on your PC, and if it is safe and stable, detailed performance information and how to remove it.
Your Phone Background Task Host
Skyrim soul trap spell location. I have a Windows Store application that I am creating that has a Windows Runtime Component for a background task.The solution builds with no problems in Visual Studio but when the background task is triggered, it always fails with the message 'The program '4204 backgroundTaskHost.exe' has exited with code 1 (0x1).' The reference to the project containing the background task is in the main project and I am setting the entry point, so I don't know what the problem is. How do I get more information as to why the program is exiting? I had (and have) the same problem, but i did notice only in the first run of my app after starting the emulator that my code runs, but the backgroundtask exits also with 1.My solution to this is every time i start the app i unregister and reregister the Task: var task = BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks.SingleOrDefault(i = i.Value.Name 'PushBackgroundTask');task.Value.Unregister(true);RegisterBackgroundTask;This allows my code to execute every time but, the backgroudTask exits always with 1.I found this link ' but until now i had no luck finding the problem.