Trailer Park Arma 3

Posted By admin On 24.09.19

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Trailer Park Arma 3

Arma 3 Game

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Aloha, need help making a(n) sqf file and an 'init' entry for a player/playable unit with custom loadouts on respawn. Google account manager 5.1 apk download. Have no idea what to put on both init and sqf. I have actually tried to find ways and It does not work.This is what I have in my loadout:removeallweapons this;removeGoggles this;removeHeadgear this;this addbackpack 'BKitbagBase';this addvest 'VChestrigkhk';this addheadgear 'HHelmetBlight';this addmagazine '100Rnd65x39caselessmagTracer', 1;this addmagazine '100Rnd65x39caselessmagTracer', 1;this addweapon 'arifleMXf';this addPrimaryWeaponItem 'muzzlesndsH';this addPrimaryWeaponItem 'opticHamr';this addPrimaryWeaponItem 'accflashlight';this addweapon 'NVGoggles';will wait for reply,thanks in advance.

Hi all, first time post, new to ARMA3 and editing, keen to learn a few tricks.I have read the above and tried to apply it to my mission.What I am trying to do is to have a multiplayer and/or single player mission. BLUFOR will have 10 playable units and OPFOR will have 10 playable units (either a player or AI). I have gone ahead and gave each unit a dedicated name (BLUFOR are 'p1' through to 'p10'), (OPFOR are 'p11' through to 'p20'). I have successfully been able to create the units with a custom load out.

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Hey guys,Was pulling my hair out after creating customs loadouts for each class in my mission only to have it bug out on the dedicated server or while trying to host. Guys I am terribly sorry to ask this but I just can't get it to work, this is my first time even creating a mission, and I'm brand new to arma.What I want to do is simple, have all of the units in BLUFOR respawn with the same loadout they started with. All of the units are using the same loadout.I keep respawning with the default stuff and can't figure what is wrong.Here is what I have so far:(your help will be really appreciated):butbut:Init.SQFnull = this execVM 'customloadout.SQF';this addeventhandler 'respawn','this execVM 'customloadout.SQF'. Guys I am terribly sorry to ask this but I just can't get it to work, this is my first time even creating a mission, and I'm brand new to arma.What I want to do is simple, have all of the units in BLUFOR respawn with the same loadout they started with.

All of the units are using the same loadout.I keep respawning with the default stuff and can't figure what is wrong.Here is what I have so far:(your help will be really appreciated):butbut:Hi Dan!Taking a look at your code, I think the problem might stem from your use of the 'this' variable in your init.sqf. See, the thing with 'this' is that it's a self-referencing term.Take the init box of a soldier, for example: When you reference 'this' in the init, the engine automatically knows the code in that box refers to that specific unit.

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What this means in your specific situation is that when you've referenced the 'this' in the init.sqf, the engine doesn't quite know what you're referring to. If you name the unit you're trying to add the load-out to in the init.sqf, the engine knows to apply it to that specific soldier. Lets say the unit you're working with is going to be named simply Dan in the editor. You'd want your init to look like this:init.sqfnull = Dan execVM 'customloadout.SQF';Dan addeventhandler 'respawn','this execVM 'customloadout.SQF'.