T51b Power Armor New Vegas

Posted By admin On 01.10.19

This armor must be custom fitted to the user and is so heavy that it requires internal micro-motors to allow movement. Hardening is a process that increases the protection of normal Power Armor. Advanced Power Armor is a completely new, postwar design of this Cadillac of the personal protection world (tail fins optional).'

  1. Fallout New Vegas T51b
  2. Fallout New Vegas T51b Power Armor Retexture

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I've taken all of the increased DT perks that I can, wear a full suit of T-51B power armor (repaired with helmet) but for some reason small arms fire absolutely wrecks me.My character is probably about level 20 and I just started the DLC in New Canaan. The White Leg scouts use carbines and more than once, a single guy with a carbine has shot me from full health to dead before I could reach them with my super sledge. I've adjusted and started using some guns and grenades (Guns was at 27 when I started DLC since I had ignored it until that point).My question is, how poor of a representation is power armor in the game, versus the lore.

Fallout New Vegas T51b

In the lore it sounds like the Power Armor suits swung the land war in the favor of the USA against China, to the point that the USA won a land war in Asia, primarily using T-51B and T-45B to stand up to infantry and tanks.Whereas in the game.a lone guy with a carbine destroys me.Sorry for the long post, but this has been irking me for a couple days now and I figured this sub would be a good place to air my thoughts. Thanks for any replies. I know the issue you are talking about OP, and it has nothing to do with the power armor, but how DT works in NV.DT reduces damage in 1 of 2 ways: it does whichever of the following functions is higher (1) damage - DT or (2) damage.20%.So if you have 30 DT, and are hit with a 80 damage shot. It would be whichever is higher (1) 80 - 30 = 50 or (2) 80.2= 16.

Since 50 is higher, you'd have 50 damage done to you.Let's reconsider with 30 DT and a 20 damage shot. (1) 20 - 30 = -10 or (2) 20.2 = 4. Since 4 is higher, you'd have 4 damage done to you (not 0 or -20).If a few enemies with low damage weapons can hit you with lots of little shots (especially some with a fast fire rate like a 10mm pistol), you'd die from a 'death of 1,000 cuts' pretty fast. DT mainly just protects you from high damage attacks (hunting rifles, explosions, anti-material rifles, etc).Personally, I like to mod the game so the DT formula uses 15% of damage instead of 20%, to make DT a little more important and make Armor-piercing ammo worth using more. It's just a game balance thing. If they made DT stronger, players that didn't use only high damage rifles or missile launchers woukdnt be able to fight the brotherhood/securitrons at all, and barely be able to fight against the ncr/high-level legion.A side-effect of the formulas is that shotguns kinda suck unless you get the DT-bypass perks for them.

Since they do many small damage attacks (1 attack is like 7 pellets that do 4 damage each). This causes even the lowest DT armors to resist shotguns really well. Which makes no sense how a pre-war vault suit could resist a shotgun blast at point-blank. That would make sense to me though (the first part, not the shotgun and vault suit). The NCR beat the Brotherhood at Helios by vastly outnumbering them. I imagine it would take 5 to 1 odds for NCR soldiers, even with their heavier ballistic type weapons, to push back the Brotherhood.A group of 3 Paladins with appropriate armor and weapons should be able to clear through 10-12 Legion or NCR soldiers pretty easy, otherwise they don't really possess a technological edge at all (other than in appearance).

It's slightly annoying that they are able to bust near personal tanks but it has to be done for the game to not be a steam roll. The DLC in NV are a great difficulty spike from the base game and I really enjoyed that aspect.

Make sure you get the Enclave Power armor if you can. Overall New Vegas power armor isn't amazingly lore friendly with its ability to be pierced by a 9mm pistol.

But unlike in Fallout 4 where power armor acts more like a vehicle and is lore central in the damage sense, NV had to balance power armor around the fact that you can always wear it. The White Legs tend to spawn with the best guns available to the player at any given level, which at 20+ like you are means brush guns, trail carbines, and soon, anti-materiel rifles. They have excellent high quality guns, so it's not surprising that they're dealing tons of damage.

Fallout New Vegas T51b Power Armor Retexture

That's just what they do unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do about that. You'll do better against opponents that do lower damage attacks faster instead of ones that do tons of damage in semi-auto or bolt action. DT reduces incoming damage by a number equal to its rating or if the DT is higher than the damage, by 80%.

T51b armor fallout 76 upgrades

That means you're taking only 20% damage against automatic weapons that have lower damage per bullet than your DT, but high damage weapons like an anti-materiel rifle are still doing most of their damage to you despite your armor.