4 Par Nervio Craneal

Posted By admin On 31.10.19
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4 Par Nervio Craneal El

Start studying Pares craneales y por donde pasan. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with. Par craneal III. Par craneal IV.

4 Par Nervio Craneal 2

Contents.Structure The oculomotor nerve originates from the third nerve at the level of the in the midbrain.The third nerve nucleus is located ventral to the, on the pre-aqueductal. The fibers from the two third nerve nuclei located laterally on either side of the cerebral aqueduct then pass through the. From the red nucleus fibers then pass via the exiting through the.On emerging from the, the nerve is invested with a sheath of, and enclosed in a prolongation from the. It passes between the (below) and arteries (above), and then pierces the dura mater anterior and lateral to the, passing between the free and attached borders of the.It traverses the, above the other orbital nerves receiving in its course one or two filaments from the of the sympathetic nervous system, and a communicating branch from the of the nerve. As the oculomotor nerve enters the orbit it divides into a superior and an inferior branch, which enter the orbit through the superior orbital fissure. Superior branch The superior branch of the oculomotor nerve or the superior division, the smaller, passes medially over the.